Wednesday, 22 December 2010

TNSrecords Fanzine Issue 10

The 10th issue of the fanzine (in its TNSrecords form) is now finished and on its way to the printers. It will be back in the New Year, so should be available at the Gullivers awareness gig on the 16th Jan. If you are on our mailing list we will get it in the post to you when it arrives. We will also be sending you a TNS poster and some discount codes for the new webstore (which should be up and running by then). If you live in the UK and want to be added to the mailing list, drop me an email - - with your address.

Anyway, back to the fanzine. If you can wait to get your hands on a paper copy we have made it available to download - just click HERE and it is all yours.

Alongside the usually rants and articles there are also interviews with Beat The Red Light, Stand Out Riot, China Shop Bull, Ignorance Is This and much more.

A big thank you goes out to everyone that advertised in this issue. You help to ensure that we can keep it free and print as many as we do. Thank you for your support, it is really appreciated.

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

A FREE awareness gig

We are helping Tom Houseman from Sense of Urgency/Rising Strike fame to put on a FREE gig on the 16th Jan in support of defending the arts, humanities and education for all. It will also incorporate information about the cuts and related subjects.

There will be speakers, stalls and live sets from Stand Out Riot, Rising Strike, Revenge of the Psychotronic Man, the Hostiles, Penis Goes Where? and Ignorance Is This.

You can find out more and keep up with the plans on the facebook group

I believe they need a couple more speakers, so if your interested or want to get involved in any other way drop Andy an email -

Review of 2010 - Revenge of the Psychotronic Man

2010 has been a fun packed year for Revenge of... We played 30 times, which is a bit less than previous years, but there have been some belters. We have gigs already booked for next year and have already recorded six new tracks, which will feature on a four way split ep to be released early next year on TNSrecords, 5 Feet Under (Denmark) and Stikman (USA), which also features the Mighty Midgets (Denmark), Fist of the North Star (USA) and Broken Aris (Sweden). We are very excited about that feast of fast.

We’ll also have a music video and a ROCKumentary available early next year. Although we didn’t release any new material, we do feature on the 5 Feet Under, Punk Rock Generation vol. 3 compilation, which you should all definitely purchase.

So in no particular rank order, here are my highlights of 2010.


Featuring - The Stupids, Revenge of..., The Emos, Tool of the Regime and Penis Goes Where? A beach party in January seemed like exactly the sort of stupid idea that only TNS pull off and everything just seemed to fall into place brilliantly. It was the first time the Stupids had played up north in a while so there was lots of hype, the local newspapers all gave the gig loads of coverage, it was significantly over venue capacity (possibly the busiest TNS gig ever) and Mikey Wong wore a beautiful skirt.

It’s not often you can say that you got hit in the face by a 5 foot inflatable dolphin mid-set is it? The atmosphere was amazing, everybody got into the stupidity of the event and all the bands went down a treat. What a start to the year!


What better way is there to celebrate your birthday than being able to pick a lineup for a stage at a festival. Myself and Bev were incredibly proud of the lineup we put together for the TNS stage and it was a pleasure to hang out with all the bands. It was a truly fantastic weekend and one of the best festivals I have ever had the pleasure of being at. It was the first time I’ve ever played a gig on my birthday and it was so much fun. Massive human pyramids galore and punk rock wheelbarrow races were my personal favourite bits of our set. It really couldn’t have been more fun.


Despite only being a short tour this was one of my favourites ever. All the gigs were decent, stupidity hit new levels with the invention of flash pyramids (apparently bouncers in trendy clubs don’t find them as funny as us), we acquired some superb 90s hits CDs and the booze flowed like water from a mountain stream.

We got to hang out with so many great people and really appreciate all the people who cooked, housed and looked after us... we are not capable of doing it ourselves. A big shout-out should go to the Amazingstoke massive for making our final night one of the most fun gigs of the year. Those guys have a great little scene going.

The final night of the tour was hilarious. Big Hands ability to hear karaoke on a Sunday night from half a mile away is astounding. Has anybody else ever done karaoke to Joan Osborn whilst in a pyramid formation and done a humming solo to Beats International whilst on somebodies shoulders and then been offered a gig on the back of the performance... I didn’t think so!


Although I’d never want to stop doing small underground gigs, it was an amazing, probably once in a lifetime experience to support a band I had grown up listening to at a big venue at a sold out gig.

It’s crazy playing to that many people and it was very exciting. Thanks to Andy and Kathy for sorting it and to all the people who bought our merch. We used the money to fund the new CD so your support was massively appreciated. It was a great night that I know I’ll never forget!


We spent a weekend with Timothy G recording six brand new tracks and also invented pyramid vocals. We are very happy with the new tunes... they are going to take faces clean off! They will be unleashed very soon!

Cheers to everybody who has helped, supported, watched, listened, purchased anything to do with Revenge in 2010. All three of us appreciate it so much and looking forward to bringing you more rock next year!

Monday, 20 December 2010

Stand Out Riot latest news

Here is the latest news from the Stand Out Riot camp. If you want to sign up to their newsletter please click HERE

Anyway, this is what Francis had to say:

...and welcome to the Stand Out Riot newsletter!
Using this we will keep you updated with all important things happening in the SOR camp, uncluding info on our upcoming album, gigs, tours, merch and other exciting nuggets of info.

This month sees the start of recording for our 2nd album, '
The Gentleman Bandits' the follow up to 2009's 'Carnival Militia'.
Tracking begins on Tuesday 28th December at Big Tone Studios in Manchester, and we're very, very excited to unleash these new tunes on our unwitting producer TiMG.

To further whet your appetites for this release, here is a recording of a brand new tune, '
Developing Detachment', recorded at our last practice!

In other news, we are having a quiet festive period on the gigs front, however we'll be back in action in mid January, with gigs on the 14th, 15th, 16th! One of which you can confirm your attendance in an online form here:!/event.php?eid=149360131783023

Now, onto the sadder news. After a decade of loyal service, our trusty guitarist Ste will be leaving the band in January, to persue his career as a full-time, proper-job music teacher. We're all very sad to see him go, but are glad he'll be around have his input on the new album. As of January, we will be looking for a full-time replacement, with the familiar face of Dave March (Chief, The Shuffle) filling in on 6-string duty until the position is filled. If you, or anyone you know think they could step up to the challenge, then please let us know!

Finally, we're having a big old sale down at our online shop, with a FREE CD being given out for free with every order! So pay a visit to We've still got a few hoodies too, so grab yourself one before they run out and keep warm this winter!

We will keep you updated with loads of video updates during our recording session, so make sure you 'Like' (...urghhh...) us on Facebook, and check out for some news and tracks and other goodies.

Thanks for your support!
Francis x

Our Top 10s (ish)

As it is that time of year I thought I would ask a few people what their top 10 albums, and if they felt like it gigs, of 2010 where. As you can see, some people aren't that great at realising what I was asking for so we got some interesting responses. So in no particular order here are people thoughts on 2010 (and beyond);

Andy Davies (TNS/Revenge of...)
Top Albums (Not including TNS releases, that would be a bit biased)
Mighty Midgets - Raising Ruins For the Future
The Dead Class - Stick
Brendan Kelly/Joe McMahon - Wasted Potential
China Shop Bull - Rave to the Grave
Punk Rock Generation vol. 3
The Arteries - Dead Sea
Smoke or Fire - the Speakeasy
None More Black - Icons
Off With Their Heads - In Desolation
The Beatsteaks - Limbo Messiah

Bev (TNS)
Mighty Midgets - Raising Ruins For the Future
OK Pilot - Nerves
None More Black - Icons
Pacer - No.1
Smoke or Fire - the Speakeasy
Off With Their Heads - In Desolation
Brendan Kelly/Joe McMahon - Wasted Potential
Rebuke - Wouldworks
The Arteries - Dead Sea
Bangers - Dude Trips

Andrew (The Dangerfields)

Top 10 Albums
1. Airbourne - No Guts, No Glory
2. Helloween - 7 Sinners
3. Gwar - Bloody Pit of Horror
4. Motörhead - The Wörld is Yours
5. Killing Joke - Absolute Dissent
6. FM - Metropolis
7. Jesse Malin & the St Marks Social - Love It to Life
8. Macabre - Grim Scary Tales
9. Danko Jones - Below the Belt
10. Slash - Slash

Top 10 Gigs
1. The Wilders, Black Box, Belfast
2. Gwar, LVC, Leiden
3. Twisted Sister, Bloodstock, Catton Hall, Derby
4. Alice Cooper, Sonisphere, Knebworth House, Knebworth
5. Jean Michel Jarre, O2, Dublin
6. Cannibal Corpse, Spring & Airbrake, Belfast
7. Helloween, Hard Rock Hell, Pontin's, Prestatyn
8. Pink, King’s Hall Complex, Belfast
9. Richard Clayderman, Waterfront, Belfast
10. Danko Jones, Odyssey Arena, Belfast

Dec and Maya (Sense of Urgency)

Top Albums
Leatherface - The Stormy Petrel
Fractions - Release
Off with their Heads - In Desolation
Kirkz - Aggroculture

Top Gigs
Harijan at Star and Garter
Punk all dayer at green star, stoke
Ennio Morricone

Adam (Leagues Apart)

Top Albums
The Arteries - Dead Sea
AM Taxi - We Don't Stand a Chance
The Menzingers - Chamberlain Waits
Bangers - Dude Trips
Iron Chic - Not Like This
The Flatliners - Cavalcade
Cynics - Stones I've Thrown
ONSIND - Dissatisfactions
Smoke or Fire - The Speakeasy
Tigers Jaw - Two Worlds

Fav Shows
21st March, KRO Bar - MN#1 - Arteries, Bangers, Above Them, Just Panic and Leagues Apart
15th September, Old Bell, Derby - Off With Their Heads, A,IHN, Leagues Apart, Rooftops and Pacer

Cassius (Bootscraper)

Top 10 Albums
Frank Zappa - Cheap Thrills
Nuclear Rabbit - Vicuna
Bill Frisell - Further East/Further West
The Cardiacs - Sing to Gods
John Zorn - Naked City
Oingo Boingo - Farewell: Live From The Universal Amphitheatre, Halloween 1995
Slayer - Reign In Blood
Mr Bungle - Mr Bungle
Kultur Shock - Integration
Flat Earth Society - Isms

Pook (Beat The Red Light)
(He brought them this year, so they count....)
1 Voodoo Glow Skulls- Firme
2 Hot Stove Jimmy- Theme For A Major Hit
3 Blue Meanies- full throttle
4 Pantera- far beyond driven
5 Bad Brains- rock for light
6 Guns N Roses appetite for destruction
7 Sizzla- rastafari
8 Rico And The Ruddies- hold your horn
9 John Coltrane- best of the vanguard years
10 Curtis Fuller- blue not sessions

Let us know what your top 10 are by adding your list to the comments. Bring on 2011!

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

A Kirkz Christmas Tale

Around this time of year, when you happen to find yourself at a Kirkz gig, Max usually starts hassling you with a CDR with the promise of some Christmas magic. You usually part with £1 in an attempt to get him to leave you alone and stop running in circles around you. What you end up with is a tale, first told back in 2006, in which the Kirkz explain how they saved Christmas. It contain immortal family classics such as 'Lets Get Hammered', 'Ski or die' and 'Part 4'.

So in a Christmas gift to all for this first time 'A Kirkz Christmas Tale' is available for FREE download. So now when Max approaches you can simply inform him that you have already have it.

So what are you waiting for, just click HERE

Community Records

After their tour of the UK with the amazing 'Fatter Than Albert' the guys from Community Records got in touch to say hello. As a result we swapped some stock and now have some great releases from across the pond to sell. Community Records, if you don't already know, are a great D.I.Y label based in the USA. Be sure to check out their website - - which also has loads of great FREE downloads. What more could you want?

Anyway, we now have the following releases in stock in the TNS distro. You can pick any of the releases for just £5 each or two for £8, including postage. As the webstore is currently being revamped (will be back in the new year), please send any payments via paypal to with your address. Be quick as we only have a small amount of each.

A Billion Ernies - Dumpster Generation (CD)
Pericles - Citizens War (CD)
Stuck Lucky - Possom Soul (CD)
A Billion Ernies - Informant 10"
Fatter Than Albert - The Last Minute 12"
Maddie Ruthless - The Secret Affair 10"

Want the lot? Get in touch and we will put a deal together. If you're in America and want to get hold of some TNSrecords stuff on the cheap, head over to the Community Records site and check it out.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Punk Rock Generation Volume 3

From previous posts you might be aware we are putting out a split EP next year alongside two great labels; 5feetunder Records (Denmark) and Stikman Records (USA). Well 5feetunder Records have just put out an awesome compilation, Punk Rock Generation Volume 3, that features our very own Revenge of the Psychotronic Man. The 34 track beast is available from Revenge of... for just £4, just head over to their webstore

If you like punk and hardcore you really need a copy. As well as Revenge of... it also features Mighty Midgets and Broken Aris, who will also feature on next years split EP, along with Antillectual and many, many more fine bands from across Europe. More info can be found on the Revenge's website here -

The track list looks like this:

We Will Fly - "Fervid"

Mighty Midgets - "You Are Not Alone (the World is Full of Assholes)"

Antillectual - "Cut the Ground From Under Our Feet"

Save the Embers - "Everett"

Manu Armata - "Antagonized"

Archers and Arrows - "The Young Carpetbaggers"

Drunktank - "Last One Standing"

Kensington Arms - "Interpreting the Uninterpretable"

Nemas - "Nemas United

Goodbye Jersey - "The Beast"

Revenge of the Psychotronic Man - "Needles to Say"

The Supervisors - "Machines"

BrainDead - "To This Day"

Revolt of Darwin - "Revolt of Darwin"

Stream City - "Incompetent Doctor"

Rank N File - "People in Glass Houses Sink Ships"

Chainsaw Brigade - "System//Terror"

Kill the Rooster - "Stranger"

Phlegmatix - "Calling for a Revolution"

Still Around - "Restless Hearts"

Rovers Ahead - "One Mad Night at the Pub"

Sodomy Soldiers - "Spraypaint"

The Ignored - "Family Values Seen From A Different Angle"

Losing Must - "Believe"

7PM Meeting - "Fists of Reality"

Loudog - "In Their Eyes"

Sprome - "Unbound Underground"

Dysfunctional Kid - "2000 Cigarettes"

Broken Aris - "The Last Nail in Your Coffin"

Thought Police Brutality - "Surge and Destroy"

The Respirators - "Good Call"

Die Oi!tonome - "Copenhagen"

Lemlæstet Fosterbræk - "Metal Is for Pussies"

Stars Burn Stripes - "I Lost the Point"

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

The All Dayer To End All Dayers

We haven't put on a gig for a while, we needed a break. But we miss it. So we have put together a special TNSrecords all-dayer on the 12th March next year. It will be £6 on the door, tickets info (if we have them) will follow later. Oh, its also going to be upstairs at Gullivers on Oldham Street from 3pm.

As you can see above the line-up will be:

Beat The Red Light -
The Dangerfields -
Stand Out Riot -
Revenge of the Psychotronic Man -
Faintest Idea -
Bootscraper -
The Kirkz -
Sense of Urgency -
Leagues Apart -
Ignorance Is This -

It should also be the Manchester launch gig for the new Beat The Red Light and Stand Out Riot albums. So it is shaping up to be an amazing day. Please spread the word and make sure the day is booked in your diary.

Punk and Ska that will take your face off!

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Revenge of... website is back!

The Revenge of the Psychotronic Man website is back up and running, so go and check it out -

This means that their super deal is back up. You can pick up a t-shirt, the album 'make pigs smoke' and TNS002 split EP with the Fractions for just £13. They have had a new batch of t-shirts so they are now available in all sizes again.

Andy is now going to work on sorting the TNS site out, if you have any magic website skills and want to lend us your knowledge give us a shout.