We have also got some limited A2 posters printed that you will be able to pick up on the day for just £1. They look like this -
So a quick reminder about the gig. It starts at 3pm and is also going to be upstairs at Gullivers on Oldham Street from 3pm. As you can see above the line-up will be:
Beat The Red Light - http://www.myspace.com/beattheredlight
The Dangerfields - http://www.myspace.com/thedangerfields
Stand Out Riot - http://www.myspace.com/standoutriot
Revenge of the Psychotronic Man - http://www.myspace.com/revengeofthepsychotronicman
Faintest Idea - http://www.myspace.com/faintestidea
Bootscraper - www.myspace.com/bootscrapermusic
The Kirkz - www.myspace.com/thekirkz
Sense of Urgency - www.myspace.com/senseofurgency
Leagues Apart - www.myspace.com/leaguesapartmusic
Ignorance Is This - http://www.myspace.com/ignoranceisthisuk
It should also be the Manchester launch gig for the new Beat The Red Light and Stand Out Riot albums. So it is shaping up to be an amazing day. Please spread the word and make sure the day is booked in your diary.
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